Hey, I thought it would be helpful if the different bishops could be listed in this board. Then people could talk to them and confess their sins as well as ask for advice.
Hey, I thought it would be helpful if the different bishops could be listed in this board. Then people could talk to them and confess their sins as well as ask for advice.
It's easier being a dwarf. All you have to do is drink till you get really pished, when you wake up the next day you won't remember a bloody thing but by now everyone will already know what you did back when.......
There you go! Now you've got your guilt off your chest :-)
Maybe they should start selling indulgences and make some money while they're at it.
What's with the whole confessing sins thing. This isn't the catholic church.
Your "sins" are between you and Auros.
I'm personally against private RP between two people in the form of tells. I just don't see the point of it if it's not for everyone to read.
If you need to get something off your chest - tell your cat, your dog, your parents, your bestfriend, or your RL priest.
Now, if you happen to know of someone else who has been breaking spiritual law...then that might be something the Inquisition might like to know about...
As far as advice goes - just ask your respective Bishop on your Clan's forums in their Church thread. If they don't have one, petition your Clan leader for one. If you're part of the Royal Demnse, you'll just have to wait until an Archbishop is appointed...or post it here, and be prepared to get about 5 different responses.
Last edited by Siverous de'Medici; 08-02-2008 at 02:13 AM.
You guys are referred to as the inquisition....?
Oh Geez, I'm going to need to hire assassins if for some reason you put me to "The Question"
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