View Full Version : The Archbishop of Hyperion
01-17-2009, 12:28 PM
I come bearing news, blessed congregation of Hyperion, that are of premier importance to the spiritual welfare of this Diocese, this Kingdom and this land. Our King, Manus Dei, has seen in the waters, through a sunbeam reflected, a name: the name of the future Archbishop of Hyperion, he who will stand at the lead of all the dioceses and take the Church of Auros through keen paths of faith. He who was thus appointed by the Lord must already know it, and it is here that he is called to rise and announce himself before all the clergy and faithful of Hyperion.
Praised be Auros, light, dawn.
01-17-2009, 01:45 PM
I await with eager ears, or eyes, as the case may be.
Aethelric Brandt
01-17-2009, 07:13 PM
I have heard many whispers about this revelation, and I ache to hear him announce himself.
Siverous de'Medici
01-17-2009, 10:53 PM
The air was thick with murmurs of excitement, and anticipation this morning. Siverous dismounted from his warhorse, and handed the reigns to a temple attendant.
The Grandmaster had arrived early at the Cathedral in Sol Invictus. Already, many friars, priests, and faithful had gathered outside in the courtyard, anticipating the announcement of the new Archbishop. The word had gone out the day before, and many had ridden, rode, and ran like madmen to make it to this hear for themselves who would lead the Church of Auros.
Siverous move through the crowd and into the Cathedral itself, he was on his way to the Offices of the Holy See, to glean any information he could from the Bishops about the identity of the Archbishop, and more importantly, how the announcement was to be made.
As he walked he mused to himself about the King's vision. He knew his cousin was not a very pious man, Siverous did not doubt that he would choose an Archbishop for political purposes, and use the announcement of a vision to make it appeal to the faithful. Yet, Manus Dei seemed to be favored by Auros on more then one occasion, so the sign could be genuine. He would have to ask his Majesty later, though he doubted he would get a straight answer.
Siverous greeted the guard posted at the door to the offices, and asked permission to enter. The guard knocked at the door and announced his presence to those within...
((might as well RP while we wait))
Siverous de'Medici
01-18-2009, 12:37 AM
((I'm dying of boredom here...someone help me out))
01-18-2009, 12:45 AM
(Just like the watchman guards the night with tempered wait, and shrugs off idleness with the glorious promise of the Dawn Sun to come, so must we take our expectancy with grace and patience while the future Archprelate does not make himself know publicly.)
Siverous de'Medici
01-18-2009, 01:54 AM
((you know who it is, don't you?))
01-18-2009, 02:03 AM
(Sorry for the length, and for the boredom incurred by Sivvy in the wait; but to my mind, the manner in which this all transpired is the true honor conferred upon me today. A great impromptu exchange in IRC, that deserved a retelling here with added vividness painted around the spoken words. For the short version, just scroll down.)
The message still in his hand, Father Cynewulf made his way eagerly through the bustling streets of Sol Invictus, the youthful but already vibrant capital of Hyperion. The battle-scarred priest navigated through the press and flow of the hopeful multitude that had flocked to the city in order to build up an ambitious idea together, and as he approached the cathedral, the bell tower atop Auros Apollon began to toll out, no doubt calling the faithful to convene, that they might receive same glorious tidings in full, that Father Starcius' brief letter had disclosed to Cynewulf only in suspenseful vagueness.
"Praise be to Auros if the Kingdom had indeed truly found its Archbishop." Cynewulf thought to himself, calming his anxiety of the unknown. "For no matter the worthy churchman raised to that most solemn and holy office, the final completion of the Church's long-envisioned hierarchy, much like the laying down of the final capstone in the vaults of a majestic cathedral, will be an event that merits the pure-hearted rejoicing of the faithful, not for the particular stone so placed by that action--mere material destined to chip, to fall away, and to be replaced in time--but truly for the entirety of the holy edifice which it crowns and thereby completes, for the ideas represented, for the spirituality tended within."
So he thought. Yet worry soon returned to him inwardly, thinking upon the vision that he and Father Starcius had witnessed together earlier, and what that might signify in light of the sudden news. Never before had Auros manifested so strongly to the humble priest till now, he who spent most his life as a soldier of the Lord knowing his proper place in the battleline.
At the base of the cathedral steps, his thoughts were interrupted by a voice resonating equally with authority and yet contemplation. It was a voice well-known to Cynewulf since the day he set foot within Hyperion and, in the reception chambers, pledged himself to the service of His Majesty--for who else could straddle across the realms temporal and spiritual so completely, as implied within that voice's commingled timbres?
King Manus stood outside the ponderous cathedral doors, now laid open and admitting whispering groups of the devout inside. He addressed Father Starcius a few steps further down from the church doors. "Has there been speculation on who the archbishop is?"
Starcius, his hands buried in his sleeves and his deep, emotionless monotone conveying an ascetic life of worship and meditation: "So far the news seems met with confusion, Your Majesty."
Another voice piped in unexpectedly. "There has, your highness, though not openly!" Cynewulf frowned at the thought of Brother Tuathal outside of his penitential cell.
King Manus humored the interruption well, "Who were they saying?"
The young friar responded, less impetuous, "Nobody has any real idea, sire,"
"But surely they bandied names about? What names?" the King probed at this non-commital answer.
Starcius reasserted his place in the conversation, opening up to sharing rumors, now that he had found much less reticent competition in the young friar, "The names I have heard so far mentioned were Theodoric, Valens, Siverous, myself, and Cynewulf."
"And I!" exclaimed Brother Tuathal, looking about to see if he had secured anyone's attention with the interjection. He hadn't, therefore continued in a mumble, "... though my name was mentioned only in jest."
King Manus meanwhile directed his reply to Starcius, "That's practically everyone."
"Well, yes," the priest allowed.
"Was any mentioned more than the others, at least?" asked the King, but no answer came from the Priest, engaged in an inward deliberation. Cynewulf could well guess the subject, his own doubt at their shared vision rising up--could it have been a mere stratagem of Malaut to inflame their pride?
Father Cynewulf transversed the remaining steps between himself and the three, eager to purchase his fellow Priest more time. "It appears, Your Majesty, that the Church does not possess the power of reading signs. Few are granted such a connection to the will of Auros."
"Few indeed, Cynewulf. How much such a gift should be cherished when it appears, then," spoke King Manus with a certain addition to the gravity of his voice that caused the Priests to exchange a glance. Starcius said far more with his eyes than his words had yet managed: the omen was true.
Perhaps the King felt this understanding pass between the Priests, for he turned to Starcius then. "Father Starcius, whom do you believe Auros in his wisdom would have selected?"
Starcius glanced briefly at Cynewulf, then spoke aloud with firm conviction in his voice. "Your Majesty, my many conversations with him have led me to believe Father Cynewulf would have a wisdom much pleasing to the Radiant Lord."
The King made no sign of approval at these words, but now addressed Father Cynewulf with a grave tone. "Then what about you, Reverend Father Cynewulf? Whom does your insight declare the radiant Sun would see fit to declare?"
The humility and dutifulness of his soldierly background imposed itself instinctually overtop thoughts now flashing back to what he and Starcius had recently witnessed. "Your Majesty, but for the fact the Lord Theodoric has been sorely pressed by business of the ducal diocese, I would quickly answer him."
The King gave Cynewulf a penetrating stare that saw through the priest's dutiful but evasive answer, judging his life-spark in the mortal realm as Cynewulf had expected only Auros to do in the hereafter. The King spoke as he did so: "Auros loves shrewdness; it is by the light of Sun that we perceive the visible forms of this world, that we may name them, and having named them, reason our way through them, so that we master them, imitating through the light of our consciousness, the light of Auros. So tell me then, Father Cynewulf, if your shrewdness doth not at least imitate that of the Radiant Lord, and explain to me by what reasoning you would see Auros selecting Lord Theodoric."
Cynewulf sighed, the cathedral towering over him and reminding him how small a single man is before his duty to the Church and the decree of the Radiant Lord. "I must own up to the truth, Your Majesty. Father Starcius and I were discussing theology recently when we glanced into the sky and saw that the Sun had made division of Himself in a strange portent, multiplying His greatness. Perhaps that is why Father Starcius has boldly offered me as his guess, though I speculate he was there beside me and had as good a claim to any possible portent.
King Manus pursued, "Whom does Auros name, Father Cynewulf?"
A moment's pause. Then at once, a sense of calmness flooded into Cynewulf, the light of Auros entering his soul, and guided him to his next words, "Your Majesty, I have seen that Auros names me, and I pray that Auros ward me from the falsehood of Malaut if that vision was not true.
King Manus intoned solemnly, "It is so, your Grace."
Cynewulf bowed deeply before the King, exclaiming, "Praise be to Auros. He is wise in all things and I must accept His wisdom here, unprepared though I be for such an honor, Your Majesty."
"And may He anoint you with his especial glory when the Corona of Hyperion is received from thy hand." King Manus motioned the unassuming priest, now the named Archbishop of Hyperion, to arise; and in his turn, bowed humbly to the spiritual counterpart of his earthly authority ordained by the heavens.
Cynewulf marvelled, as he replied, "It shall be the greatest moment of my life to perform such a coronation, Your Majesty, that you may be crowned in proper ceremony at last. It is an ample reward indeed for having the solemn duty of guiding the souls of all Hyperion."
The King continued sagely:
"And when you take the Miter, you must make this new Church strong.
Guide the bishops.
See to an orthodoxy.
Most of all, open the peoples' hearts to the Church,
for if they are closed the Church cannot do its work."
Cynewulf bowed and made the sign of the Sun. "I take those precepts as my solemn pledge. The strength of Hyperion will rise as its faith in Auros rises. Too long has the False King Robert led astray the Aurans from their divine patrimony."
Nodding, the King turned to a small knot of onlookers that had gathered about the unfolding scene. "And join me, for the sake of all witnessing, Lord Cynewulf, in swearing by the name of Auros that we spoke not with each other about the prodigies we both witnessed from Auros and that their mutual confirmation, as we both expressed moments ago, was on account of our independent witness of them. I swear before all I did not apprise His Grace of what I had been told by Auros..."
Cynewulf, feeling freed by knowledge that his vision had been a true omen rather than a trap of Malaut, gladly swore in return. "And I swear to the like, by Auros' witness, that I had not spoken of these signs till just now..."
King Manus boomed, "Let it be said by all, then, that just as I rule Gratia Dei, so too does His Grace, the Archbishop of Sol Invictus. As king of Hyperion, we do declare upon you the spiritualities of the See of Sol Invictus, and abbott of the Priory of the Cathedral of Auros Apollon."
"You shall need to be invested. We look forward to the proper ceremony, wherein we shall render these spiritualities in an official context."
Receiving the congratulations of onlookers with a return of pious blessings and wishes for Auros to guide them and him in times to come, Archbishop Cynewulf entered the cathedral to greet the assembly of the faithful that was now his to shepherd toward salvation, and to await further plans for his confirmation.
I accept the office of Archbishop and hope to guide the Church to a robust and honored future within Hyperion, the Council of Bishops retaining, in their counsels provided to me, their weighty and respected opinion over all that is worthy of discussion at length, my own unassisted judgment rendered only over those things which clog their better-spent deliberations.
Under one unified Church, one legitimate King, and one loving God, our Father in heaven, may our many diverse shires prosper. Auros bless you all.
Siverous de'Medici
01-18-2009, 02:51 AM
Siverous slowly approached the new Archbishop. He waited so long for this moment, it seemed almost surreal...over a year of waiting...a year of uncertainty, a year of trials and tribulations with nobody to turn to when problems arose; a year of minimal progress. But that was all behind them now, the Church had finally been given a leader. One to unite us against the evils both within and without, and to guide us down the path of light.
Auros had chosen this Priest for a reason, and though it was not what Siverous had expected, he had no doubt this man would lead the Church into a bright future. He bowed low and smiled slightly at the new Archbishop,"Buongiorno, your Grace, the Order d'Argento and the Republic of the Silver Sun would like to extended its congratulations to you for being chosen for this great honor and responsibility. If there is anything we can do to assist you in your coming endevors, do not hesitate to ask."
01-18-2009, 03:55 AM
Cynewulf greeted Father Siverous warmly, remembering the many hours spent pouring diligently over his sermons and tomes in the library of this very Cathedral.
"Buongiorno, Father Siverous," grimacing to himself at his pronunciation, "I am grateful indeed for your congratulations, but moreover for your offer of aid, which I hope to avail myself of as often as is seemly. The first I might ask of you is that you reserve for me a place in your prayers in the coming days, as I sort out my new responsibilities. No man can alone shoulder such a weight, yet earnest prayer and the godly fellowship of other devout Aurans make all things possible.
"More importantly, I would ask of you that you continue the noble labours of your pen, by means of which far more have been converted from ignorance than the sum of our inquisitions. I must beg a slight delay in obtaining a copy of the document that we have discussed for your history--but shall take up the task again soon. Never fear my abandonment of that which enlightens our flock.
"For it is by our prayers, by our pens, and by the prowess of our military orders combined that the glory of the Church of Auros will be secured."
Siverous de'Medici
01-18-2009, 04:38 AM
Siverous smiled broadly, "Well said your Grace, Auros chooses His servants wisely. I will never fail to serve as I still draw breath, and I understand there are more pressing matters which you must address at this time. First of which is your ordination so that you may be presented with the symbols of your office. Hm...perhaps each diocese and Order can provide you with one of these symbols, the sol pectoralis (pectoral sun), Sacred ring, mitre, crozier and pallium will all need to be made for you.
The Order d'Argento keeps a holy relic from Argentina in the Basilica. They claim it's all that was left of her when she disappeared from Agon. We call it, Argentina's Tear. It is a stone which bears a blushish hue at night, and silver during the day. If you wish, the Order will have a piece of this relic shaped to fit a ring for you."
01-18-2009, 05:52 AM
Upon Father Siverous' proposal of relics from each diocese of the Church, Cynewulf nodded at the soundness of the suggestion, interjecting, "Even as I must now keep the concerns and the spiritual well-being of each independent diocese near to my heart, it fortifies my will toward this vast undertaking to think that a relic from the favored saint of each diocese will bless me while I attend my duties."
And when Cynewulf had heard the proposal of a piece from Argentina's Tear, pious joy beamed across his face. "A relic from St. Argentina, who kept her maiden purity throughout life, surely musten chasten me always to keep my judgment and actions pure of Malaut's corruption--and, having sacrificed her life to defend against pursuing hordes, may she, through this token that you graciously have offered for my ring, inspire me to an equal devotion for my Auran children, even at cost of life and limb!"
01-18-2009, 06:17 AM
Starcius and Cynewulf had spent almost as many hours discussing the finest intricacies of Auran divinity as they had trained together in martial combat, and fended off wave after wave of the benighted. The new Archbishop had been the one monk in their Order who, invariably and above all others, would prove his prowess with Sun-sent distinction, be it through skill of sword, speech, or sagacity. The fraternal bonds were tight, tied by time and devotion. Standing now in front of him in his new seat of power, Starcius could hardly contain his emotions at witnessing his old friend deservedly raised to such spiritual heights. He genuflected and spoke.
“Your Grace, my Lord, my brother. We know our Radiant Lord could not have hand-picked a better man for His high ministry, nor one more zealous in faith, scholarship, or righteous fury. Cum dixisti “Manus viam indicabit”, we followed you from Niflheim into this sacred Kingdom, and now it pleases Him that your wisdom shan’t be limited in apportion to our Order, but rather to the whole of Hyperion; I followed you then, and I will follow you now through the even greater glories and virtuous deeds which must be reserved to the Holy Church, now that we have you to interpret and mediate the commands of our Lord of Light. We bask in your piety. Auros keep you safe.”
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