Nira Nadhair
09-21-2008, 11:17 PM
NIRA NATHAIR, Royal Queen of Heralds, HYPERION
To all the PEOPLE of the greater Kingdom of Hyperion, Greetings.
HAVING WITNESSED this day's events in the Cathedral of Auros Apollon, and being of a mind that news of such historic occasions should be saved and shared with all of Hyperion's people, both today and in posterity, I submit to you my account.
On this, the eighth day of the eighth month of the eighth year (a date of no little significance among the Ordo Solis et Lunae), the Carta Solis has been signed, His Majesty Manus Dei created King of Hyperion, and the first royal peers of Hyperion named!
The Cathedral was packed. People from throughought the lands had gathered to see the days events. Those who could not sit or stand inside spilled out into the streets, where even the beggars put aside their work and gathered to watch the occasion as brothers to the merchants and warriors and servants.
The mood was solemn when first the lords came to the table before the altar. For although the events were much anticipated and celebrated throughout the lands as a great advancement for all of our people, the Lords recognized to a man the tremendous importance of this allegiance in these dark times for Agon, and the significance of the oaths they were about to make. For it is only together under Auros that we may stand against the dark hearts of orcs and men, and if we should fail, then as one we shall fall.
I presented to the assembled lords the heavy scroll upon which the Carta Solis had been scribed by his Majesty's own pen. (Many recent nights indeed I saw the light of candles from under his door burning unquenched, until replaced by the rays of the morning sun.)
~The heavy iron rods to which the scroll is affixed betray the importance His Majesty and all of the Lords of Hyperion place on the Carta Solis: how heavily it weighs on them to uphold it; how long it endures unchanged in the passage of seasons, unbreakable; how strong it makes us together, held fast as arms against the dark.
~The four globes affixed one to the end of each rod, two golden, two silver, speak to the value His Majesty and the Lords place on the Carta Solis: in a world of chaos, a great union of dwarf, elf, and man stands strong; in a land of constant struggle, it is this union which we value above all else; and as a reminder of the power the Sun, and the Moon, and great Auros give us against the forces of darkness.
It is this great gift to the people of Hyperion which I laid out before them. And though more mundane copies would later that day again be signed and taken throughout the land as legal record, there was a definite sense that this one, this first, was Hyperion. They each in turn held it in their hands, and the mood of each man as he felt the strength and the beauty of our bond made material was subtly but strikingly changed. I can only guess from my own humble feelings the great sense of purpose, of duty, of pride, of joy each man felt, although it was obvious from their faces that as Lords they felt it a hundred times more.
As each man signed, a smile came to his face. (I have no doubt that one or two of them will deny it was so if questioned, but pay them no heed. They smiled.) And the growing sense of joy swept throughought the people assembled there, until the cries of joy broke into a great cacophony as the last man penned his name to the scroll.
The assembled Lords of Hyperion then raised the new King upon a shield, standing tall above his people, and carried him around the inside of the Cathedral. Not to be outdone, the fighting men of all the lands of Hyperion then took him upon their shoulders and bore him all around the outside of the Cathedral, so that the people who had gathered there from all the lands could see their new King.
When brought back in before the laughing lords and let down again, His new Majesty stood up on the pulpit and received fealties from each of the major lords in turn, accepting their oaths and creating them as the first peers of the Kingdom of Hyperion. These ceremonies were traditional and I will leave the details to the scribes, but know that the day ended in great rejoicing well into the night!
I have collected copies of the oaths of fealty of the major lords, as sworn to His Majesty before the people of Hyperion, to be sent and kept along with this account for posterity.
Yours in service,
Nira Nathair, Queen of Heralds, Hyperion
Brando deMedici
09-22-2008, 09:04 PM
I become your man from this day forward, of life and limb, and of earthly worship, and unto you shall be true and faithful, and bear to you faith for the tenements that I claim to hold of you. By the Lord Auros before whom this sanctuary is holy, I will to King Manus be true and faithful, and love all which he loves and shun all which he shuns, according to the laws of Auros and the order of the world. Nor will I ever with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is unpleasing to him, on condition that he will hold to me as I shall deserve it, and that he will perform everything as it was in our agreement when I submitted myself to him and chose his will.
I, Brando de Medici, Doge della Republica Coronada della Aquilea. Be it known to all, present and future, that I have voluntarily sworn to my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion, to keep the agreements contained in this charter....
Having been chosen by the Signoria and affirmed by the people as Doge for life, being the embodiment of the state, I do seal this oath in free will of my own to further the prosperity and security of the vassalage bestowed upon my house. The whole of the state personified in myself enters into this oath in mind, spirit and flesh to sacrifice all to serve the greater good in these dark times. In turn the citizens of the Crowned Republic recognize Manus to embody the will of the sum of its parts united in whole, preserved as the Kingdom of Hyperion. To affirm the will of the Signoria as the people, Ministers Radison McDougal and Shilohen McCroix stand in witness of this oath and the obligations herein.
Know that I come to you the Doge della Republica Coronada della Aquilea, and now declare all my former fealties and obligations defied, and that as I do homage to your Crown, I shall tender that land of Aquilea to you, that you being its king shall grant it back to me in fee even as I become your liege man.
Therefore, let all present and to come know that I the said Doge della Republica Coronada della Aquilea, acknowledge verily to thee my lord Manus, by the grace of God, king of Hyperion, and to thy successors that I hold and ought to hold as a fief from thee the following: Imperial Republic of Argos and whatever holdings of the Condottieri Brazen Shields Company, and the shire of Aquilea for each and all of which I make homage and fealty with hands and with mouth to thee my said lord, king Manus, and to thy successors, and from the abundance of which I shall grant to thee every fourth coin. And I swear upon the word of Auros that I will always be a faithful vassal to thee and to thy successors in all things in which a vassal is required to be faithful to his lord, and I will defend thee, my lord, and all thy successors, and the subjects of Hyperion present and to come and the castles and manors and all your men and their possessions against all malefactors and invaders, at my request and that of my successors at my own cost; and I will give to thee power over all the castles and manors above described, in peace and in war, whenever they shall be claimed by thee or by thy successors.
I shall answer in military service to thee, my king Manus, whenever thou shalt call upon me, with 4 out of every 5 knights in my domain, but neither limited to only four, but to all knights I may muster according to the amount of possible knights fees in the land I claim as my shire, and with at least ten men for every knight who with me attends your Majesty's muster, and I shall be sure that they are liveried as properly as befits all the men and knights of a Doge of Hyperion. And whenever I shall fail to muster all that I have herein declared, I will pass to thee a scutage with which to hire the equivalent number of mercenary men, which scutage I shall attain from my absent knights. And if my land shall border with seaways or navigable rivers, that I shall answer feudal muster with one adequate warship for every knight's fee upon said waterfronts in my lands in place of infantry muster. Further, when thou hast convened the Parliament for the purpose of a levy, I shall pass this levy to all of my unenlisted men and bring all whosoever are able.
And when the king shall by his heralds present himself before the borough of Soacio in formally declared ceremony, my liege lords and I shall form the Doge's own guard to present themselves in pass and review to make known the companies are drilled well in homage to his majesty. The host shall march themselves to open ranks for inspection by the king.
Moreover do I recognize that I, on being created as a peer to the Crown of Hyperion under King Manus, shall, according to the Carta Solis penned by King Manus, be entitled to a seat in the House of Lords of Hyperion, wherefore do I give my oath to protect, uphold, and obey the Carta Solis and the Common Law of Hyperion and all of its tenets, precepts, and rulings, whether they be decreed by His Majesty or by my peer lords, and I also shall require the same of all of my subjects, vassals, and liege men; that they swear to protect the King, the Carta Solis, the Common Law and Hyperion as I have, and that they do so when they shall make their liege homage to me.
In addition, should I fail in my duties, I will turn over to King Manus and his successors the fortresses of the Imperial Republic of Argos, Brazen Shields Company and give him control of all the men who dwell there and all the knights who hold fiefs of the castles, so that if I break my promise to keep these agreements, all the aforesaid men shall hold directly of my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion; and they shall swear to aid him even against men and against every other man or woman or creature.
The Duke of Kirdain and Baron of Urth shall be responsible for the tax I owe if I fail to pay to my king Manus, and have inscribed their names below as witnesses, testifying their agreement in this matter.
I will do liege homage to my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion, and I will keep faith with him against all creatures, living or dead.
Made in the year 1 of the reign of Manus.
I become your man from this day forward, of life and limb, and of earthly worship, and unto you shall be true and faithful, and bear to you faith for the tenements that I claim to hold of you. By the Lord Auros before whom this sanctuary is holy, I will to King Manus be true and faithful, and love all which he loves and shun all which he shuns, according to the laws of Auros and the order of the world. Nor will I ever with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is unpleasing to him, on condition that he will hold to me as I shall deserve it, and that he will perform everything as it was in our agreement when I submitted myself to him and chose his will.
I,Thor Tyr, Duke of Kirdain and the provinces that lie within. Be it known to all, present and future, that I have voluntarily sworn to my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion, to keep the agreements contained in this charter....
I, Thor Tyr, Duke of Kirdain and the provinces that lie within, do seal this oath in free will of my own to further the prosperity and security of the vassalage bestowed upon my house. The whole of the state personified in myself enters into this oath in mind, spirit and flesh to sacrifice all to serve the greater good in these dark times. In turn the citizens of the Duchy of Kirdain recognize Manus to embody the will of the sum of its parts united in whole, preserved as the Kingdom of Hyperion. To affirm the will of the people of Kirdain, Lord Bishop Valens Bellator stand in witness of this oath and the obligations herein.
Know that I come to you the Duke of Kirdain, and now declare all my former fealties and obligations defied, and that as I do homage to your Crown, I shall tender that land of Kirdain to you, that you being its king shall grant it back to me in fee even as I become your liege man.
Therefore, let all present and to come know that I the said Duke of Kirdain, acknowledge verily to thee my lord Manus, by the grace of Auros, king of Hyperion, that I hold and ought to hold as a fief from thee the following: Knights of Auros and Fist of Europe, and the shire of Kirdain for each and all of which I make homage and fealty with hands and with mouth to thee my said lord, king Manus, and to thy successors, and from the abundance of which I shall grant to thee every fourth coin. And I swear upon the word of Auros that I will always be a faithful vassal to thee in all things in which a vassal is required to be faithful to his lord, and I will defend thee, my lord, and the subjects of Hyperion present and to come and the castles and manors and all your men and their possessions against all malefactors and invaders, at my request and that of my successors at my own cost; and I will give to thee power over all the castles and manors above described, in peace and in war, whenever they shall be claimed by thee.
I, Thor Tyr, pledge to my King the naval forces under my command in times of war and aggression. In addition to this, the armies of Kirdain shall defend the lands of Hyperion when the total forces of Hyperion are unleashed upon the enemies of the Crown. In continuation of the defense of the lands of Hyperion I, Duke of Kirdain, pledge to send forth a company from each of my provinces to patrol the lands so that no threats are giving enough time to pose a significant problem.
Moreover do I recognize that I, on being created as a peer to the Crown of Hyperion under King Manus, shall, according to the Carta Solis penned by King Manus, be entitled to a seat in the House of Lords of Hyperion, wherefore do I give my oath to protect, uphold, and obey the Carta Solis and the Common Law of Hyperion and all of its tenets, precepts, and rulings, whether they be decreed by His Majesty or by my peer lords, and I also shall require the same of all of my subjects, vassals, and liege men; that they swear to protect the King, the Carta Solis, the Common Law and Hyperion as I have, and that they do so when they shall make their liege homage to me.
In addition, should I fail in my duties, I will turn over to King Manus and his successors the fortresses of the Knights of Auros, Fist of Europe and give him control of all the men who dwell there and all the knights who hold fiefs of the castles, so that if I break my promise to keep these agreements, all the aforesaid men shall hold directly of my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion; and they shall swear to aid him even against men and against every other man or woman or creature.
The Doge of Aquileia and Baron of Urth shall be responsible for the tax I owe if I fail to pay to my king Manus, and have inscribed their names below as witnesses, testifying their agreement in this matter.
I will do liege homage to my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion, and I will keep faith with him against all creatures, living or dead.
Made in the year 1 of the reign of Manus.
09-25-2008, 11:53 PM
I become your man from this day forward, of mind and intention, and of activities pertaining to our joint ventures in the world of Agon, and unto you in this capacity shall be true and faithful, and bear to you faith for the tenements that I claim to hold of you. I will to King Manus be true and faithful, and publicly mirror his political and personal opinions, according to the laws of Hyperion and the order of the community which evolves in the video games we collectively participate in. Nor will I ever with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is counterproductive to these goals, on condition that he will hold to me as he feels I shall deserve it, and that he will perform everything as it was in our agreement when I submitted myself to him and chose his will.
I, Surly, Baron of Urth. Be it known to all, present and future, that I have voluntarily sworn to my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion, to keep the agreements contained in this charter....
The Kingdom of Hyperion has long been a project of a few veteran gamers who have seen MMO societies regress in front of them, powerless to stop the flow of primitive ideology at the hands of simplistic, self-serving clan leaders and childish, vain, and shallow attempts to claim what they falsely label under the misnomer of victory by achieving nothing and calling it success. In the microcosm of MMOs we have few enough people that an idea alone can and does make a difference if promoted and acted upon by those willing to put forth the minimal effort required to see it to fruition. To stand against the basest of immature tenacity and lust of the conceited leaders, a term I use loosely and begrudgingly, of past MMO worlds for their hollow goals and self-aggrandizing close-mindedness, stomping into submission any unique idea, any non-conforming play style, any inclination to have fun that does not mesh with their ideology, Hyperion seeks to spearhead a movement to usher from the simplistic days of naive bliss where players knew no better than to simply log in and play the game, purely for fun, the ideas and philosophies of not only tolerance and diversity but the very soul that gaming seems to have lost with the wild expansion of formulaic business models which have trapped people in the most narrow of ideologies for fun. No longer must I say, at the very least, that I stood by idly as the mentality that climbing a social ladder, marking achievements at arbitrary point levels of experience points and the acquisition of pixelated globs of stats, constituted any progressive means of achievement or reward and pillaged from the once noble and innocent pastime of logging on and having the brazen ignorance to simply and purely have a little fun with the facsimile of a world, a sandbox, that we'd been given. For these reasons, I join Hyperion in both mind and spirit, to see it to the end, to claim that even if such a lofty goal fails to achieve a real victory, that I did not mundanely sit by and pretend to enjoy the decay of gaming expectations to rolling along an endless treadmill of collective success, where everyone no matter how undeserving gets a gold medal.
Know that I come to you the Baron of Urth, and now declare all my former fealties and obligations defied, and that as I do homage to your Crown, I shall tender that land of Urth to you, that you being its king shall grant it back to me in fee even as I become your liege man.
Therefore, let all present and to come know that I the said Baron of Urth, acknowledge to my lord Manus, king of Hyperion, and to thy successors that I hold and ought to hold as a fief from him the following: the fiefdoms of Slade and Thelema, whatever lands or property occupied by the Drunken Beggar Clan, and the shire of Urth, under whatever name it is called once formally built, for each and all of which I make homage and fealty with hands and with mouth to king Manus, and to his successors, and from the abundance of which I shall grant to you every fourth coin. And I swear upon myself that I will always be a faithful vassal to you and to your successors in all things in which a vassal is required to be faithful to his lord, and I will defend you, my lord, and all your successors, and the subjects of Hyperion present and to come and the castles and manors and all your men and their possessions against all malefactors and invaders, at my request and that of my successors at my own cost; and I will give to you power over all the castles and manors above described, in peace and in war, whenever they shall be claimed by you or by your successors.
I shall answer in military service to you, king Manus, whenever you shall call upon me, with 4 out of every 5 knights in my domain, but neither limited to only four, but to all knights I may muster according to the amount of possible knights fees in the land I claim as my shire, and with at least ten men for every knight who with me attends your Majesty's muster, and I shall be sure that they are liveried as properly as befits all the men and knights of a Baron of Hyperion. And whenever I shall fail to muster all that I have herein declared, I will give to you a scutage with which to hire the equivalent number of mercenary men, which scutage I shall attain from my absent knights. And if my land shall border with seaways or navigable rivers, that I shall answer feudal muster with one adequate warship for every knight's fee upon said waterfronts in my lands in place of infantry muster. Further, when you have convened the Parliament for the purpose of a levy, I shall pass this levy to all of my unenlisted men and bring all whosoever are able.
Moreover do I recognize that I, on being created as a peer to the Crown of Hyperion under King Manus, shall, according to the Carta Solis penned by King Manus, be entitled to a seat in the House of Lords of Hyperion, wherefore do I give my oath to protect, uphold, and obey the Carta Solis and the Common Law of Hyperion and all of its tenets, precepts, and rulings, whether they be decreed by His Majesty or by my peer lords, and I also shall require the same of all of my subjects, vassals, and liege men; that they protect the King, the Carta Solis, the Common Law and Hyperion as I will, and that they do so when they shall make their liege homage to me.
In addition, should I fail in my duties, I will turn over to King Manus and his successors the fortresses of Slade, Thelema, and the DBC and give him control of all the men who dwell there and all the knights who hold fiefs of the castles, so that if I break my promise to keep these agreements, all the aforesaid men shall hold directly of my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion; and they shall swear to aid him even against men and against every other man or woman or creature.
The Count of Elba and the Duke of Kirdain shall be responsible for the tax I owe if I fail to pay to my king Manus, and have inscribed their names below as witnesses, testifying their agreement in this matter.
I will do liege homage to my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion, and I will keep faith with him against all creatures, living or dead.
Made in the year 1 of the reign of Manus.
09-26-2008, 03:08 PM
Liege Homage:
I be your noble servant from this day forward. I pledge my earthly allegiance to you King Manus of Hyperion. May our ales clash and our swords never cross for the sea of our enemies creates a hurricane. May we wither the storm under arms, under one ideal. I shall be your declared protector of all things ale-related.
Fealty Charter, Declaration of Identity and Intent:
I, Nocturne Baron of Yew. May all you fochs know I have sworn to my lord, Manus, King of Hyperion to keep the agreements contained in this Charter.
I come bearing my noble comrade in arms, my Minister of State and Arcanist divisional commander, Satroys of the City of Yew. [My head Knight more or less]
Fealty Charter, Placing Your Lands in Hyperion:
I come to you the Baron of Yew, declaring all my former fealties and obligations defied so that I do homage to your Crown. I shall tender the land of Yew to you, that you being its King shall grant it back to me in fee even as I become you liege man. May our hops grow well.
Fealty Charter, Clarification of Holdings:
Let all present know that I Baron of Yew, acknowledge my Lord Manus, King of Hyperion and to his rightful successors that I hold and ought to hold as a fief from my King the following:
Fiefdom of Yew encompassing the glorious City of Yew, township of Riverrun, township of (unknown).
Fealty Charter, Clarification of Obligations:
I'll give yeh every fourth coin from my surplus earnings. I will in addition supply glorious kingdom with ale should it be readily available. I swear upon the Golden Yewian Ale Goblet imbued with the blood of our enemies and engraved with our most noble Yewian-Tree heraldry, that I will be a faithful vassal to my King and his successors in all things in which a vassal is required to be faithful. I will defend yeh to the last, and your kiddies to follow (may you have many... no less than 8 mistresses!). I pledge to uphold our great Kingdom from all enemies foreign and internal. I will give yeh power over all Yewian lands and holdings above described in peace and in war whenever you or your kiddies come calling.
Feudal Charter, Military Duties
I'll rally my glorious Yewian army should my King Manus call. Yewian forces will participate in any Military endeavor as seen fit by our liege. Should Yewian forces have qualm, 5 ales supplied for each soldier shall bereft them of any troubled conscience.
*Tries to read* *Rubs chin* *shrugs* *Dictates*
I shall answer in military service to thee, my king Manus, whenever thou shalt call upon me, with 4 out of every 5 knights in my domain, but neither limited to only four, but to all knights I may muster according to the amount of possible knights fees in the land I claim as my shire, and with at least ten men for every knight who with me attends your Majesty's muster, and I shall be sure that they are liveried as properly as befits all the men and knights of a count* of Hyperion. And whenever I shall fail to muster all that I have herein declared, I will pass to thee a scutage with which to hire the equivalent number of mercenary men, which scutage I shall attain from my absent knights. And if my land shall border with seaways or navigable rivers, that I shall answer feudal muster with one adequate warship for every knight's fee upon said waterfronts in my lands in place of infantry muster. Further, when thou hast convened the Parliament for the purpose of a levy, I shall pass this levy to all of my unenlisted men and bring all whosoever are able.
Feudal Charter, Optional Ceremonial Duties:
We shall hold the grand free for all tournament when our liege arrives into the City of Yew. Last man standing shall hold the right to offer a sip from the Golden Yewian Ale Goblet imbued with the blood of our enemies and engraved with our most noble Yewian-Tree heraldry. An honor most esteemed by our Yewian warriors.
Feudal Charter, Oath to Hyperion Law and Parliament:
Moreover do I recognize that I, on being created as a peer to the Crown of Hyperion under King Manus, shall, according to the Carta Solis penned by King Manus, be entitled to a seat in the House of Lords of Hyperion, wherefore do I give my oath to protect, uphold, and obey the Carta Solis and the Common Law of Hyperion and all of its tenets, precepts, and rulings, whether they be decreed by His Majesty or by my peer lords, and I also shall require the same of all of my subjects, vassals, and liege men; that they swear to protect the King, the Carta Solis, the Common Law and Hyperion as I have, and that they do so when they shall make their liege homage to me.
-Er aye what he said.
Fealty, Sureties and Contingencies:
In addition, should I fail in my duties, I will turn over to King Manus and his successors the fortresses of Yew, Riverrun, and "Unknown at this time" and give him control of all the men who dwell there and all the knights who hold fiefs of the castles, so that if I break my promise to keep these agreements, all the aforesaid men shall hold directly of my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion; and they shall swear to aid him even against men and against every other man or woman or creature. Lest we not forget dirty evil Orcs.
The Doge of Aquileia and The Count of Elba shall be responsible for the tax I owe if I fail to pay to my king Manus, and have inscribed their names below as witnesses, testifying their agreement in this matter.
Conclusion, Final Statement:
I will do liege homage to my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion, and I will keep faith with him against all creatures, living or dead. Lest we not forget dirty evil Orcs. We must also never, never forget to keep our ale-houses and Hyperion taverns protected and safe at all costs.
Signed by my own hand.
10-13-2008, 12:26 PM
I, therefore, the aforesaid Manus, by the grace of God king of Hyperion, receive the homage and fealty for all the fiefs and lands which are described above: in the way and with the agreements and understandings written above; and likewise We concede to thee and thine heirs and their successors, the premier peers of Hyperion, all the lands and estates and places aforesaid, as fiefs, along with this present charter, divided through the alphabet. And We promise to thee and thy heirs and successors of Urth, Aquileia, Yew and Kirdain, that We will be good and faithful lord concerning all those things described above. Moreover, We acknowledge that the little villages of Slade, Argos, Pugnus Europae, the temple of Thelema, and so forth all hold from the appropriate aforesaid lords.
Wherefore, in witness before all, LET IT BE KNOWN that We with royal scepter anoint and sanctify Lord Surly, henceforth creating him as a BARON of the Kingdom of Hyperion, that from this day forward We do by these presents prefer our trusted friend to the state, degree, style, dignity, title and honor of BARON OF URTH.
LET IT BE KNOWN that We with royal scepter anoint and sanctify Duke Brando, henceforth creating him as a DOGE of the Kingdom of Hyperion, that from this day forward We do by these presents prefer our trusted friend to the state, degree, style, dignity, title and honor of DOGE OF AQUILEIA.
LET IT BE KNOWN that We with royal scepter anoint and sanctify Duke Thor, henceforth creating him as a DUKE of the Kingdom of Hyperion, that from this day forward We do by these presents prefer our trusted friend to the state, degree, style, dignity, title and honor of DUKE OF KIRDAIN.
LET IT BE KNOWN that We with royal scepter anoint and sanctify Lord Nocturne, henceforth creating him as a BARON of the Kingdom of Hyperion, that from this day forward We do by these presents prefer our trusted friend to the state, degree, style, dignity, title and honor of BARON OF YEW.
AND WE COMMAND From this day forward to Ourself, Our heirs and successors that these above shall retain their stations subject only to Royal good pleasure; That these peers shall have the right to bequeath their stations to their appointed heirs should they see fit, and if they should not that they shall return to the Throne upon departure. And further, that it shall and may be lawful to and for our said cousins, their heirs and assigns, by these presents from time to time, to nominate, make, constitute, ordain and confirm, by such name or names, as knight, thane, laird or baronet, as to them shall seem good, and likewise to revoke discharge, change and alter as well their officers and ministers which hereafter shall be by them thought fit and needful to be made or used within the aforesaid territories; And also to make, ordain and establish all manner of orders, laws, directions, instructions, forms and ceremonies of government and magistracy fit and necessary for and concerning the government of the territories aforesaid. And we do further of our special grace, certain knowledge, and meer motion, grant, ordain and declare, that-such officers and ministers as from time to time shall be authorized and appointed in manner and form aforesaid, shall and may have full power and authority to use and exercise martial law in cases of emergency, invasion and mutiny, by force of their commission of lieutenancy, or any law or statute of this our realm of Hyperion. We further of our special grace, grant and ordain that they may build, fortify, man, and enfeoff any edifice of sound construction that shall by their judgment seem necessary, saving that portion of their bounty which they have reserved for Us.
All which by the tenor of these presents we have caused to be exemplified. In testimony whereof we have caused our seal of our said Kingdom of Hyperion to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS our trusty and well beloved Nira Nathair, Royal Queen of Heralds; our Master of Heralds and trusted companion of our Province of Wessex, Komako the Hawk and Chrono.
Made in the first year of our reign.
Manus Rex
10-13-2008, 12:33 PM
Brando deMedici
10-13-2008, 12:41 PM
10-14-2008, 03:50 PM
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