View Full Version : Oath of Fealty - Exilium
Valthas Ravinos
04-14-2009, 07:49 AM
I, Valthas Ravinos, Chancellor of Exilium hereby pledge our allegiance to King, Country, and the whole of Hyperion. This oath to uphold the Crown, Carta Solis and the Common Law will be honored to the death.
We hereby acknowledge and are in agreeance with the terms of taxation within the kingdom.
Valthas Ravinos
Chancellor of Exilium
Fingolfin Soulforge
04-15-2009, 03:46 AM
Though I know not if it is appropriate to speakth here, in this Cathedral of Auros, I feel compelled to do as such.
The Crusade and its Crusaders have had the great pleasure and privilege to serve along side Exilium whilst in the Forest Republic. Above all others, Exilium's prowess on the battlefield and calm, cool, and collected attitude - which they exercised in all things - is both honorable and commendable.
Should His Lord our King Manus see it fit, the Crusade would again gleefully fight and die along side our brethren in Exilium.
04-19-2009, 11:49 PM
I, the aforesaid Manus, King of Hyperion, Duke of Wessex, Baron of Yew, to all his liegemen, and to all other clans subject to his dominion, Sendeth greeting. Whensoever these our letters shall come unto you, know ye that we have received Sergeant Valthas Ravinos unto our grace and favor. Wherefore, whosoever within the bounds of our territories shall be willing to give him aid, as our vassal and liegeman, let him be assured of our favor and license on that behalf.
King Manus
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