View Full Version : Edric`s Ordainment
03-12-2009, 06:59 PM
Tired but lucky Edric Kenes arrived at the gates of Sol Invictus. Although there were many stresses and strains, he really enjoyed the journey. There is hardly something more beautiful than seeing Auros rise from the ocean.
And now Edric stands infront of the impressive capitol of Hyperion, on his side Sir Triver Ursalis, his friend and guardian. Smiling he strides to one of the townguards:“ Greetings good men, I received an invitation from His Grace Archbishop Cynewulf. Would you please guide me to the Cathedral ?“
03-13-2009, 01:59 PM
((Could we not roleplay this in game, and merely keep a record of it here? The game does exist now, does it not? :P))
03-15-2009, 02:48 PM
(I am a little bit afraid of RP in english language. But we can try, if you name me the date and time (best time for me is between 20:00 and 0:00 CET))
03-16-2009, 11:31 PM
((Yes, I think we should make an attempt at that, even with various conceivable problems from timezones, to poor chat interface, to queue times, to potential party-crashers.
I did some scouting for Baenor's idea this past weekend, and the ruins south of Bladethorpe have some cathedral-like structures. I don't think there are any cathedrals in any of our cities, although Sovereignty's city has something very close.
In a trial of piety, the person entering the Bladethorpe ruins must pass by a gravelord, several undead knights, and oathbounds--but eventually the cathedral is reached and no spawns are present. Scout it for yourself, perhaps.
20 to 0 CET will work for next weekend, if the time is still convenient then. If so, set about gathering a retinue of the faithful from Waleron and I will ask other dioceses to have representatives.))
03-18-2009, 11:38 PM
To honnor of our Lord and Vather, Auros, the good people of Waleron built a new church ! It would be a pleasure for the folk of Waleron if the Ordination ceremony could be held in Alberworth.
(I suggest, saturday 21.03.09 - 22:00 CET ?)
03-19-2009, 11:05 PM
To honnor of our Lord and Vather, Auros, the good people of Waleron built a new church ! It would be a pleasure for the folk of Waleron if the Ordination ceremony could be held in Alberworth.
And so it will, Father Edric. The hard work of the people of Waleron has built the first haven of the faith within the borders of Hyperion, a notable and blessed event in the eyes of the Radiant Lord and a good sign of Waleron's future piety.
I will be there at that time to consecrate Waleron's newly-built church and confirm its first bishop.
03-24-2009, 02:27 PM
Cynewulf Earmhund: Ah, you and your most faithful are assembled, Father Edric?
Edric Kenes: *Edric falls on his knees and kisses Cynewulf's ring*
Edric Kenes: Yes, I think we can begin the ceremony, My Lord.
Cynewulf Earmhund: Children of Auros, we are here to confirm Father Edric as your spiritual shepherd, if any among you have seen him act less than the perfection of an Auran child, let that one speak now!
Cynewulf Earmhund: *sees no sign of dissent at all*
Turwen Wolfspfote: *nods*
Cynewulf Earmhund: Father Edric, have you taken vigil in this chapel for a night and a day of fasting and prayer?
Edric Kenes: Yes My Lord, I spend the last day and night in the church, praying.
Cynewulf Earmhund: And have you sought divine mercy for your sins before now, deplored those times when Malaut found his way into your heart?
Edric Kenes: I visited father Valens and confessed to him.
Cynewulf Earmhund: Excellent, then you are cleansed of the filth and corruption of this world, ready to embark on that on that bridge to the next, when we return to our Father in the heavens in glory.
Cynewulf Earmhund: Do you, Father Edric, affirm that your blood is that of Auros, the Radiant Lord and our heavenly Father?
Edric Kenes: I do, My Lord.
Cynewulf Earmhund: And do you, Father Edric, acknowledge the supremity o Auros above all other powers in heaven?
Edric Kenes: I affirm that Auros the Radiant Lord, is my only god and the strongest Power over all other lesser gods.
Cynewulf Earmhund: Then by these two affirmations, it follows that we, His loyal children, therefore are supreme over all Agon beneath the heavens.
Edric Kenes: Of course, my excellency.
Cynewulf Earmhund: Now to your duties as shepherd of the flock of the faithful.
Cynewulf Earmhund: Do you, Father Edric, vow to preach the pious word of Auros to Waleron and to banish darkness and ignorance from its lands in the name of the Father?
Edric Kenes: I will guide the good people of Waleron to the path o light, and fight against all evil influence. Waleron should not become target of the Malaut's.
Cynewulf Earmhund: And do you, Father Edric, acknowledge the spiritual authority of the Archbishop of Sol Invictus and that of King Manus, who together comprise the soul and the body of the Church of Auros in Hyperion?
Edric Kenes: I will be loyal to you and the King, as before.
Cynewulf Earmhund: Then let all the faithful gathered here be witness. The Light of our Radiant Lord has shone upon this man, Edric Kenes, and made him a beacon of the rest of ye, that ye may return to our Lord's loving embrace hereafter, not burned in the cleansing fires of His wrath like heathens.
Cynewulf Earmhund: We do confer upon his the spiritualities of the Bishop de Waleron, the crozier and the miter.
Edric Kenes: *Edric kisses the ring of Cynewulf* Thank you, My Lord, I will do my best to fulfill the will of Auros.
Cynewulf Earmhund: Kneel, Edric, that I might lay on hands and bless you in this first moment of your spiritual reign over Waleron, before Malaut can intercede.
Edric Kenes: *Edric falls to his knees*
Cynewulf Earmhund: *casts lay on hands and bless*
Cynewulf Earmhund: Arise, Your Excellency. And let the word go forth: Waleron has its Bishop!
Edric Kenes: Good people of Waleron, sing and praise to our Lord and Father Auros.
Cynewulf Earmhund: Thank you, my children assembled here, or being witness to this blessed event. May Waleron continue to grow in the Light of the Lord, like the mighty green-leafed oak in the brightness of the sun.
Edric Kenes: So follow me outside to feel the light of the Radiant Lord.
Cynewulf Earmhund: And now, I must depart to Sol Invictus. I have no fear that I have not left an able lieutenant of the faithful in my place.
03-25-2009, 09:30 AM
I was very impressed with the size of the assembly that gathered to witness the confirmation of their new Bishop, their enthusiasm during the ceremony, and will look forward to seeing more friars and priests rise from among such a pious folk to spread Auros' light and truth.
Thanks as well to Lord Baenor for suggesting the venue. It went better then I expected, given the difficulties mentioned previously.
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